On the 22nd of July, we gathered to say farewell to five of our Little Stars. It was a day filled with joy as we celebrated their incredible journeys with us.
Our Little Stars and their families joined us for the leavers held at our centre. The day began with a variety of outdoor activities for the children to play and enjoy themselves. The children were fascinated with the photo board, filled with pictures capturing their time with us. Seeing pictures of their achievements and growth over the years was a touching reminder of how far they’ve come.
After some time outside, we gathered indoors for the official ceremony. Verity, our Under 5s manager, delivered a moving speech, reflecting on the children’s journeys and the strength they’ve shown, celebrating milestones the children have reached and the challenges they’ve overcome.
Following Verity’s speech, each child received a personalised gift from their keyworker. It was a lovely moment, as these keyworkers have been by the children’s sides, guiding and supporting them throughout their time with us. The bond between them was evident as the packages were handed out.
This ceremony was particularly special as these children were among the first to join our care when the centre opened. We watched the children grow, learn, and flourish despite the challenges they face and it’s bittersweet to see them move on to the next chapter of their lives.
While it was a sad day to say goodbye, it was also a day of celebration. We are so proud of our Little Stars and all they have achieved. As they leave us, they take with them the love, support, and memories of their time at the Children’s Respite Trust. We wish them all the best for the future and will always cherish the time we had together.
To our Little Stars: Shine bright, wherever you go, and we hope to see you at holiday sessions in the future! ✨