The Lady Eileen Joseph Foundation
The Lady Eileen Joseph Foundation generously awards grants towards; general charitable purposes, the advancement of health or saving of lives, disability, the prevention or relief of poverty, arts/culture/heritage/science, animals and environment/conservation/heritage. In 2017 they have awarded over £64,000 in small grants many differing charities across the South.
What have they done for the Trust
The Lady Eileen Joseph Foundation has helped the charity multiple times, having donated £500 a few years ago towards providing care in the community, and now an incredible £2,000 towards the development of the new East Sussex Children’s Respite Centre. We will be using this money towards the development of the lift in the respite centre, bringing access to our therapy room, quiet lounge and administration office.
The Future
The Lady Eileen Joseph Foundation are sadly closing their doors, having exhausted their funds supporting so many worthwhile charities over the years. They have donated over £286,000 over the last 5 years, which will have to gone to so many incredible causes.
Thank yous and more info
We want to thank The Lady Eileen Joseph Foundation, for supporting our charity in such a generous way. Having your support over the years has meant a lot to the Trust and without donations such as yours we would not be where we are today.
For more info on the centre, click through to: The East Sussex Children’s respite Centre